Want to Write about Casual Games?


Killer Betties is seeking volunteer contributors to write about the PC downloadable casual games market. We are seeking review writers, editorial writers and artists. See below for description of positions.

Review Writers: Review writers will review casual games. Reviews must be at least 600 words in length. Games can be chosen by the review writer and we seek writers who specialize in each area of the casual game market or jack-of-all-trades.

Editorial Writers: Editorial writers fall into two categories, writers who look at series of games and those who write about the casual gaming space, trends, top 10 lists and articles of that sort.

Artists: Artists are not writers, but we seek artists who would like to express their love of casual games through their art. We seek anyone who is interested in comic series about casual games or artists who enjoy drawing about casual games in their spare time.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please email me at staci.k (at) killerbetties.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

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